About Us

Meet the Board of Directors

Margie C Sweeney Margie is a family physician who has been to Africa on 4 occasions, visiting Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, and Liberia. After her first visit, she was struck by the overwhelming level of poverty in these countries and decided that more needed to be done to increase awareness of the vast need that still exists in our world for basic housing, food, education, and health care despite all the social agencies that currently exist. “Through this ministry we can demonstrate that ‘only our love in action will change this plight!'”
Margie C. Sweeney, MD, OFS, CPC – Founder and President

Sandra Bissmeyer“We are commanded to be ‘Our Brother’s Keepers’ and through my involvement on this Board, I’m able to live out a Christian commitment and use my resources and spiritual gifts to aid my fellow Christians in Africa. This ministry is twofold: not only are we catering to the financial needs of our fellowmen, but also the spiritual. The healing aspect involves the medical and the charismatic; a dynamic that appealed to me, and makes us unique and prophetic in our outreach.”
Sandra Bissmeyer – Vice President and Treasurer

Nkem Okorie “I feel that the mission of Helping Hands Healing Ministries, Inc. will enable me to enhance God’s love and compassion. Also, it will enable me to see, love, and accept the uniqueness among God’s creation. In addition, this mission will enable me to cultivate and learn to accept other’s true humanness, and treat them the way I love to be treated. I should be able to take the risk of reaching out to the down trodden. And that is why we should act on Jesus’ instruction when he says, ‘I was hungry, naked, homeless, unwanted, and deprived of love and care. And you visited me.’ So as an African, I am aware of the needs of the people of Africa. I strive to live according to the words of Stephen Grellet – ‘I shall pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore I can do, or any kindness I can show to any human being let me do it now, let me not defer it or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again.'”
Nkem Okorie – Fund Development Director

Michael W SweeneyMike is an environmental engineer who has recently been to Rubishne in Eastern Ukraine to evaluate their water and wastewater treatment facilities and infrastructure. Through this effort with the Louisville International Cultural Center, Mike has gained a new level of awareness to the reality that well over a billion people do not have access to safe and reliable basic services that we tend to take for granted and it is growing. He believes, “Awareness leads to action toward improving conditions.”
Michael W. Sweeney, PhD – Secretary and Board Member

1 Response to About Us

  1. Well done friends! I know how hard its to raise support and help someone else in need, especially when helping rural areas. I have also similar work am doing in Uganda, Iganga district in eastern part of the country. So, this note is to ask whether you are also working in this country, because as i was browsing i thought to myself i need some other people to encourage me and pray together. I am kickstarting Destiny schools (www.destinyschools.com). I ask for your moral support and networking! Thanks

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